Results: grapes
Croatia, 2021
Year: 2021
Location: Croatia (Kutjevo)
Crops: grapes and hazelnuts
Total amount of plants / acres (ha): 8 and 7 hectares
Time of application: before sowing and during cultivation
Duration trial: FERTISOL is the only fertilizer used. In total 500 kg per hectare has been applied.
FERTISOL was used as fertilizer on two plots of 8 hectares of wine grapes and 7 hectares of hazelnuts. A total of 500 kg per hectare of FERTISOL has been applied and it was the only fertilizer used.
The customer is very content using FERTISOL.
The vineyard is healthier and in better shape was the conclusion of the customer.
Furthermore the parameters for wine production are more than good. Sugars and acids are harmonious and in black varieties the colour is more pronounced.
Results: corn
Croatia, 2021
Year: 2021
Location: Croatia
Crop: Corn
Total amount of plants / acres (ha): 6,78 hectares
Time of application: 300 kg of FERTISOL has been applied before sowing
Duration trial: one time application
FERTISOL has been applied at a plot of 6,78 hectares before sowing corn. The total plot of cultivated land is larger and made it possible to observe the differences between the part where FERTISOL has been used and the part without the addition of the organic fertilizer.
The corn growing at the plot with the addition of FERTISOL had a better start. During cultivation more differences where observed:
- The corn leaves of the field where FERTISOL has been used look healthier, are greener and brighter of colour.
- In a period without water the corn was able to cope better with stress (at the plot where FERTISOL was applied).
- The addition of organic matter (via FERTISOL) resulted in a better transport of nutrients from the soil into the plant.
- In the end the corn (which grew at the plot without the addition of FERTISOL) is smaller and the stalks are thinner.
Using FERTISOL was a valuable addition for the cultivation. It ensured a better condition of the corn during the different growth stages of the crop.
Results: avocado
Colombia, 2018 – 2019
Year: 2018 – 2019
Location: Colombia
Crop: Avocado
Total amount of plants / acres (ha): 600 plants (in total 1,000 plants at the plot)
Time of application: during cultivation
Duration trial: FERTISOL has been applied one time; 100 g per plant
- The thickness of the stalk has been increased with 20%
- The size of the plant increased with 50%
– Untreated plant was 20 cm on average.
– Treated plant was 45 cm on average. - The treated plants have not been damaged after the heavy rainfall compared to 20% of the untreated plants who have been damaged.
600 plants have been applied with FERTISOL organic fertilizer and 400 plants have not been applied. The percentages above are increases in comparison with untreated plants.
Results: carrots
Colombia, 2018 – 2019
Year: 2018 – 2019
Location: Colombia
Erop: Carrots
Total amount of plants / acres (ha): 60,000 plants
Time of application: During cultivation: 15 days after seeding
Duration trial: FERTISOL has been applied one time; 5 kg spread over a part of the plants
First results (5 months after application):
- An increase can be seen in the growth and bloom of the plant.
- The seeds have been popped faster; within 2 weeks.
- The size and quality (color, thickness, amount of leaves) of the plant have been increased with 30%.
- There is a clear difference in size and thickness of the carrots. The average difference in length is about 25% (12 cm versus 9 cm).
The cultivation will be monitored until the harvest of the carrots.
Results: tomatoes
Colombia, 2018 – 2019
Year: 2018 – 2019
Location: Colombia
Crop: Tomatoes
Total amount of plants / acres (ha): the plot consists of 60,000 plants and 80 plants have been used for the trial
Time of application: during cultivation: 15 days after seeding
Duration trial: FERTISOL has been applied one time; 100 g per plant. In total 8 kg spread over 2 rows
First results (5 months after application):
- In the treated plot a general improvement has been observed during cultivation.
- The plants contain more fruits
- An increase of 45% in weight and amount of plants
- 30% more blooming (new shoots)
- A larger resistence against moulds and whiteflies.
The first harvest of tomatoes from the treated plot consisted of 2.350 g per plant versus 1.100 g per plant from the untreated plot.
The untreated plot was also harmed by birds and whiteflies and the tomatoes were less developed. The treated plants showed an increase in weight of 45% (average) and the tomatoes were not damaged. Furthermore there was still a development of new flowers in the plants.