• Komeco is a producer of composted organic fertilizers.

Privacy Statement Komeco B.V.

Date: 28/05/2019

Komeco B.V., located at Colijnweg 2 8251 PK Dronten, is responsible for the processing of personal data as shown in this privacy statement.

Contact details:
Colijnweg 2
8251 PK Dronten
+31 321 312570

Mr. H.G. Groenenboom is the Data Protection Officer of Komeco B.V. He can be reached via info@komeco.nl

Personal data that we process
Komeco B.V. processes your personal data because you use our services and / or because you provide these to us yourself.

Below you will find an overview of the personal data that we process:

  • First and last name
  • Company details, such as VAT number, Chamber of Commerce number and bank account number
  • Address data
  • Telephone number
  • E-mail address
  • Other personal data that you actively provide, for example by creating a profile (on this website), in correspondence and by telephone.
  • Location data
  • For what purpose and on what basis we process personal data

Komeco B.V. processes your personal data for the following purposes:

  • To process your order and / or payment
  • To send you our newsletter and / or advertising brochure, which only happens after permission, whereby you have the option to indicate that you no longer wish to receive the newsletters.
  • To be able to call or e-mail you if this is necessary to be able to perform our services
  • To inform you about changes to our services and products
  • To offer you the possibility to create an account
  • To deliver goods and services to you
  • Komeco B.V. also processes personal data if we are legally obliged to do so, for example in case of tax return, etc.

Sharing of personal data with third parties
Komeco B.V. does not sell information to third parties. We only provide this if this is necessary for the implementation of our agreement with you or to comply to a legal obligation. We enter into a processing agreement with companies that process personal data on our behalf in order to ensure the same level of security and confidentiality of personal data. Komeco B.V. remains responsible for these processing operations. We agree with third parties that the data provided may only be used for the order in question.
Website and cookies

Komeco B.V. uses technical and functional cookies. At last we use analytical cookies that do not infringe on your privacy. A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your computer, tablet or smartphone when you first visit this website. The cookies we use are necessary for the technical operation of the website and easy usability of the website. They ensure that the website works properly and, for example, remember your preferences. We can also use this to optimize our website. You can opt out of cookies by setting your internet browser in a way it no longer stores cookies. In addition, you can also delete all information that was previously saved via the settings of your browser.

Social media
The website of Komeco B.V. contains social media buttons which make it easy to share our messages. The use of these buttons is the responsibility of the user. Most social media channels work with cookies and comply with the EU-US privacy shield. Read the privacy statements of the respective social media channels to know what they do with the collected information.

Photo and video material
We only use photos of which we own the ownership rights or of which the maker is known and for which permission has been given. Image and video material are treated with care. People who have been photographed are asked for permission before it is published online and offline. It is possible that you do not (any longer) want your images to be placed on promotional material or on the internet. Obviously you have the right to ask us to remove a photo from you.

View, modify or delete data
You have the right to view, correct or delete your personal data. In addition, you have the right to withdraw your consent for data processing, to object the processing of your personal data by Komeco B.V. and you have the right to data transferability. You can submit a request to us if you would like to receive the personal data that we hold about you.

You can send a request to info@komeco.nl for access, correction, deletion, data transfer of your personal data or request for withdrawal of your permission or objection to the processing of your personal data. To ensure that the request has been sent by you, we request that you send a copy of your ID/passport together with the request. We advise you to make your photo, MRZ (machine readable zone, the strip with numbers at the bottom of the passport), passport number and Social Security number (BSN) invisible, in order to protect your privacy. We will respond to your request as quickly as possible, but within four weeks.

Komeco B.V. takes the protection of your data seriously and takes appropriate measures to prevent abuse, loss, unauthorized access, unwanted disclosure and unauthorized changes. If you have the impression that your data has not been secured properly or if there are indications of abuse, please contact our customer service via info@komeco.nl or (+31) (0) 321 31 25 70.

  • Komeco is a producer of composted organic fertilizers.

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